08-09-2008, 09:26 AM
Quote:Well, is ping pong a sport? I mean, is tennis a rip off of ping pong (played standing on the table), or vice versa(table tennis)? How about synchronized swimming? But, some of the sports are laughable. 2 man canoe, 2 women dingy, trampoline... On principle I won't complain about <strike>Nude</strike> Bikini Beach Volleyball, because whoever got that into the Olympics is a genius. Now they just need to work on getting German Beer Boot guzzling added. Why not dodge ball? Why not roller derby? Or, maybe those are better left for the X games. :)
I guess the Czech's Katerina Emmons just won a Gold medal for 10 meter competitive BB gun shooting.
What are some sports you think should be in the Olympics?
I would vote for... Paintball! That reminds me... I heard of a great team building exercise for companies. The workers get paintball guns, and the managers get deer costumes.
Indeed so true, for me the Olympics are far less important than say the European football championships.
I only watch athletics and swimming, and maybe football.
About table tennis I don't agree. It is a real sport and much different than other sports. So it is an original sport that exists for a long time, and really requires athleticism, coordination etc. Beach volleyball is just a cheap copy from real volleyball, even though it requires a lot of skills, strength and stamina.
Air gun shooting.....I guess this has to do with the original pentathlon in which there was bow and arrow shooting if I'm correct, same as all those weird horse riding events.
The Olympics are far more an entertainment event than a sports events in my opinion. And than to keep the nice amateurial atmosphere football has to be played with an under 23 team (with 3 dispensation players) because of course otherwise there would be competition between olympics and world championships.
To me it looks more and more like the eurovision song festival. (for you Americans that don't know what this is....lucky you and try to keep it that way)