07-28-2008, 08:38 PM
Lovely topic. Allow me to contribute.
As a miner / engineer, I have access to motes of earth, fire, water, mana, air and shadow, and after an extended grinding sessions I frequently find myself carrying around a lot of assorted motes. This macro allows you to compress those motes into primals, multiple types at a time, without opening bags, and possibly with a bank screen open. Quite convenient when gathering a lot.
An all-in-one fishing macro. Alt-click to enable the fishy radar, click to start fishing, and rightclick to equip your fishing rod if you hadn't already. Another line with say, a control modifier to change back in your standard kit would be useful if you have but a single character with fishing skill, and if said character doesn't have a standard equipment macro already.
Crowd control:
This particular example is for the mage spell, Polymorph. Turtle is chosen for being my favourite one of the bunch. Under normal circumstances, you click it, and your target is turned into a Turtle. In addition, your target is also focused. Any subsequent clicks will result in you sheeping (or turtling) this target again, regardless of your current target. It's exceedingly useful for add control during boss fights and the like, as you can resheep this add without having to retarget.
If the macro finds that your current focus is dead, nonexistant or friendly (for example, you sheeped someone under the influence of Mind Control which faded), or if you're pressing alt, you will set the focus to your current target and sheep that one instead.
During Magister's Terrace runs I find myself spellstealing Seal of Wrath as often as possible (it adds 1500 dps when using arcane missiles, that's neat). However, it will also proc (or at least used to) off casting sheep, causing it to break instantly. Therefore I included this line in the macro to automatically cancel it - non-mages should leave this out. Polymorph can be swapped with any other, similar in-combat CC spell. Hibernate, Seduce, Fear and Roots come to mind.
/use Mote of Water
/use Mote of Air
/use Mote of Earth
/use Mote of Fire
/use Mote of Mana
/use Mote of Life
/use Mote of Shadow
As a miner / engineer, I have access to motes of earth, fire, water, mana, air and shadow, and after an extended grinding sessions I frequently find myself carrying around a lot of assorted motes. This macro allows you to compress those motes into primals, multiple types at a time, without opening bags, and possibly with a bank screen open. Quite convenient when gathering a lot.
#showtooltip Fishing
/cast [modifier:alt] Find Fish; [button:1] Fishing
/equip [button:2] Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole
An all-in-one fishing macro. Alt-click to enable the fishy radar, click to start fishing, and rightclick to equip your fishing rod if you hadn't already. Another line with say, a control modifier to change back in your standard kit would be useful if you have but a single character with fishing skill, and if said character doesn't have a standard equipment macro already.
Crowd control:
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists][target=focus,noharm][modifier:alt]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Polymorph(Rank 1: Turtle)
/cancelaura Seal of Wrath
This particular example is for the mage spell, Polymorph. Turtle is chosen for being my favourite one of the bunch. Under normal circumstances, you click it, and your target is turned into a Turtle. In addition, your target is also focused. Any subsequent clicks will result in you sheeping (or turtling) this target again, regardless of your current target. It's exceedingly useful for add control during boss fights and the like, as you can resheep this add without having to retarget.
If the macro finds that your current focus is dead, nonexistant or friendly (for example, you sheeped someone under the influence of Mind Control which faded), or if you're pressing alt, you will set the focus to your current target and sheep that one instead.
During Magister's Terrace runs I find myself spellstealing Seal of Wrath as often as possible (it adds 1500 dps when using arcane missiles, that's neat). However, it will also proc (or at least used to) off casting sheep, causing it to break instantly. Therefore I included this line in the macro to automatically cancel it - non-mages should leave this out. Polymorph can be swapped with any other, similar in-combat CC spell. Hibernate, Seduce, Fear and Roots come to mind.