07-22-2008, 01:46 PM
July 22 News
Well, since the NDA has been lifted, WotLK info has been coming fast and furious. Tons of great stuff, so it's hard to keep up with it all. My beta invite seems to be delayed in the mail, so I'll have to make do watching other folks go at it
First off, the Official Talent Calculators are up and working.
Pets have finally come into their own, with each Family Tree having it's own special skill. Snatch, Pin, and Nether Shock all seem like very interesting abilities.
Blizzard has also announced it's Achievements system that will go live in WotLK. Some are looking at it as all the sudden having up to 500 or so "new mini quests" to do. It does look interesting, and reminds folks that Blizzard is/can tracking a LOT of info about your toon.
One of the neat additions is that Gathering Professions will now have benefits. A nice little perk for being a gatherer.
Finally, Nitefox spots some Custom Mounts that will be available in Northrend. I didn't know that they'd moved Orange County up there...
Well, since the NDA has been lifted, WotLK info has been coming fast and furious. Tons of great stuff, so it's hard to keep up with it all. My beta invite seems to be delayed in the mail, so I'll have to make do watching other folks go at it
First off, the Official Talent Calculators are up and working.
Pets have finally come into their own, with each Family Tree having it's own special skill. Snatch, Pin, and Nether Shock all seem like very interesting abilities.
Blizzard has also announced it's Achievements system that will go live in WotLK. Some are looking at it as all the sudden having up to 500 or so "new mini quests" to do. It does look interesting, and reminds folks that Blizzard is/can tracking a LOT of info about your toon.
One of the neat additions is that Gathering Professions will now have benefits. A nice little perk for being a gatherer.
Finally, Nitefox spots some Custom Mounts that will be available in Northrend. I didn't know that they'd moved Orange County up there...
~Not all who wander are lost...~