The biggest things that jump out at me:
Threat's being completely redone. No Salv, no defiance, folding threat into skills and talents instead.
All warriors can off-tank now, with extra threat in def stance, and shield slam trainable. The change in imp shield block and anticipation makes me wonder if big changes are coming in crush/crit/def stuff for tanks.
I noticed auras are raid-wide for the radius they cover, but I didn't see any such note for totems.
WOA and WF=haste for spell/melee respectively, Flametongue totem=old WOA to some degree, if I read it right, and SOE now does str and agi. Basically Shaman totemage for raids/groups just changed a bunch, and the old bursty WF is gone completely.
The spelldam/heal change makes gear a lot simpler. If I read it right, +hit, crit and haste work on spell and melee. Great for hybrids that do some of both.
I don't know all the druid talents extremely well, but it looks like moonkins got a boost, I think.
Oh, and hunter pets *way* simplified. Now with talents, too.
Lots of other stuff. That's the stuff I really noticed first.
Threat's being completely redone. No Salv, no defiance, folding threat into skills and talents instead.
All warriors can off-tank now, with extra threat in def stance, and shield slam trainable. The change in imp shield block and anticipation makes me wonder if big changes are coming in crush/crit/def stuff for tanks.
I noticed auras are raid-wide for the radius they cover, but I didn't see any such note for totems.
WOA and WF=haste for spell/melee respectively, Flametongue totem=old WOA to some degree, if I read it right, and SOE now does str and agi. Basically Shaman totemage for raids/groups just changed a bunch, and the old bursty WF is gone completely.
The spelldam/heal change makes gear a lot simpler. If I read it right, +hit, crit and haste work on spell and melee. Great for hybrids that do some of both.
I don't know all the druid talents extremely well, but it looks like moonkins got a boost, I think.
Oh, and hunter pets *way* simplified. Now with talents, too.
Lots of other stuff. That's the stuff I really noticed first.