07-15-2008, 08:29 PM
Quote:And yet Blacksmiths have always been able to use their weapons and armor without restrictions.
I frankly think items should be allowed in arena; if you spend the damned money and time leveling a profession to a point, creating the items, and learning how to use them effectively, you should see some fscking results for all that time and effort.
Go to battlegrounds and stop whining, then. Arena isn't intended to make you feel better about using some stupid item; it's intended to be balanced.
There is a particular problem with on use effects and chance effects from professions in Arena. That includes the stupid stun mace. They can either confer an ability a class didn't have before (boots on a priest, vastly improving escapability) or enhance a class ability to stupid levels (warriors being the de-facto stun class). This, in turn, makes it a "required" profession, and gives the class more power than intended resulting in either a class getting nerfed or a profession getting nerfed. Guess what the better choice is?
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!