06-29-2008, 06:58 PM
Quote:It is all very beautiful, but like or not it's a significant departure from Diablo. They call it a "hand-painted, epic" look instead of cartoon, but whatever it is, it doesn't communicate terror to me.The screenshots look like cartoons to me, and I agree the artwork does not communicate terror the way (much of) the artwork of DI and DII does. I liked the trees of the Arreat Summit, because to me they looked like real trees. I thought they were beautiful, even in low resolution.
As much as I like WoW, nothing in WoW that I have seen is able to impart DI like terror. Frustration, satisfaction, maybe, but not terror. (The closest is two rogues and a druid unstealthing at a lonely flag that one is guarding.)
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."