06-28-2008, 03:36 AM
Quote:When heroic instances were first announced thats what I hoped they were going to be. Thankfully Naxx is being re-released for wrath, since almost no one got to experience that. Hopefully they make some heroic versions of old instances rather than the letdown that are the current heroics.
The first heroics were quite hard. When a single mob can take your tank from full to dead inside the cast time of a single heal and the pull has two of them (Underbog, just before the first boss) completing a heroic run was something to be proud of - though that satisfaction was about all you got since the badge selection was limited and most drops were useless even then. They've since been nerfed, gear has inflated wildly and people are more experienced with the instances so they're not the challenge they once were.
I'm hoping the next expansion's version will tier the heroics so that the 5-man game keeps up a bit better - not to the point of overtaking raid drops but enough that instance drops are superior for instance use to PVP items and enough that I can take my raid gear to them and still need to pay attention.