06-18-2003, 07:56 PM
Good to see another parodier, rhymes with cavalier sort of, here at the Lounge.
What's that, I feel a song comming on!
Here is one from Lynyrd Gamgee:
Now these feet keep on walking
Hair on top and I got no shoes
Now Pippin's singing 'bout some barmaid
While Merry's teeth grit, face all blue,
Tell ya true
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Where the sky is so blue
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Rose I'm comin' home to you
That wizard said he flew a Balrog
Now he's been know to tip a pint or two
And that Man from Gondor sure is tone deaf
Get's just one note when plays 'Orc Blues'
Well, aint it the truth
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Where the Grass is so Green
Sweet Home Er I a dor
I just a Gardner, no Marine
(Instrumental break, Legolas plays the bow . . . fiddle!)
Just met a scum bag name of Gollum
Whoo Whoo Whoo!
He talks to himself, and Smeagol too
whoo Whoo Whoo
Old Frodo thinks he knows what bugs him
If you'd married a spider, you would too!
(And his balls are blue)
Sweet Home Er I a dor
Where the biguns dont come to
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Oh Rose I'm comin' home to you!
What's that, I feel a song comming on!
Here is one from Lynyrd Gamgee:
Now these feet keep on walking
Hair on top and I got no shoes
Now Pippin's singing 'bout some barmaid
While Merry's teeth grit, face all blue,
Tell ya true
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Where the sky is so blue
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Rose I'm comin' home to you
That wizard said he flew a Balrog
Now he's been know to tip a pint or two
And that Man from Gondor sure is tone deaf
Get's just one note when plays 'Orc Blues'
Well, aint it the truth
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Where the Grass is so Green
Sweet Home Er I a dor
I just a Gardner, no Marine
(Instrumental break, Legolas plays the bow . . . fiddle!)
Just met a scum bag name of Gollum
Whoo Whoo Whoo!
He talks to himself, and Smeagol too
whoo Whoo Whoo
Old Frodo thinks he knows what bugs him
If you'd married a spider, you would too!
(And his balls are blue)
Sweet Home Er I a dor
Where the biguns dont come to
Sweet Home Er i a dor
Oh Rose I'm comin' home to you!
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete