06-06-2008, 12:30 AM
Quote:With the change to stopcasting you can chain cast FoL. All spell requests made are sent to the server and the first one made with 0.5s left on the cast is "queued" up to start casting immediately after the current cast is finished. So you could chain cast FoL at 1.5s.
Do you have a source for this? Specifically "the first one made with 0.5s left on the cast is "queued" up to start casting immediately after the current cast is finished". Patch notes say "Client spell cast requests are now sent to the server even if your player is already casting another spell. This eliminates the need for /stopcasting in macros to compensate for latency." As far as I know there is no queueing.
Now the change does allow you to send your casts before they show as finished on your screen so that you can chain them much better. There is still human error involved. Using a mod like quartz you can get a general idea of what your latency is and so time when to send the next heal. Latency is variable though and so you aren't going to get it exactly right. Its still better than heal..wait for it to finish...heal, but it isn't going to be a perfect 1.5s cast rotation. Some would say "just spam the key so you can get it as close as possible", but my understanding is that if you send the heal early then your client ends up having to wait for the error message saying it was early and so you actually get set farther back in your timing. So what you end up doing is trying to time when you hit the cast button so that the command reaches the server just as your previous spell finishes. It isn't an exact thing though.
Now maybe I'm wrong about this. There could have been more changes since the patch I'm refering to. I've certainly not paid overly close attention to such to know for sure. The above explains my current understanding though. So please point me to a source that says otherwise if things have changed.
In addtion to all of that, there is also stuttering, having to move, delay from changing targets, etc etc. So even if one could reach a perfect 1.5s cast cycle, I think the 2s calculations are more accurate due to these other delays in the fight. I'm certainly open to hearing arguements otherwise though!