Quote:Hi,Just to clarify, from what I can tell from the FLDS lawyers counter claims, there are a number of young women who are claiming to be minors to be able to remain with their babies. There may be 40 or more "children" being held that are actually adults, that is, they are now over 18 years of age. So, it might be likely that the 14-17 age range is likely statistically the same male and female since it is for zero to thirteen. In that case, statistically speaking, it is likely that there are about 15-20 girls aged 14 to 17, and the other 10 to 15 are allowing themselves to counted as children for the ulterior motive of remaining with their babies. It was also noted that 20 of the girls aged 14-17 might have been counted by the state twice which makes the 31 of 53 a meaningless number as we don't know if the numerator or denominator or both are wrong and by how much. It might be 11/33 or just the one or few as the FLDS lawyer proposed. What is usually not stated in most news accounts is that of the 31 mothers cited, 26 claim to be over 18 but CPS does not believe them.
How dare you yell at me, I'm Old enough to be your OLDER BROTHER by at least 1 year :P
Sorry for any confusion...the Not Under-Aged I was referring to are the CHILDREN from Birth to 13 years of Age. Since 14 to 17 years of age seems to be the Taget age in this case.
FACT: Of the 463 children, 250 are girls and 213 are boys. Children 13 and younger are about evenly split -- 197 girls and 196 boys -- but there are only 17 boys aged 14 to 17 compared with the 53 girls in that age range.
Everyone in Texas (Occhi excepted:)) seems to be very confused, and in general I see "truth" and "evidence" in short supply, while passioned testimony and opinion is in great supply.