Consumers are too stupid to make good choices
Quote:I hear that the human body produces the same heat as a 100 watt light bulb. Maybe there are too many bodies? Once you start making decisions for people, when do we subjectively decide the limits of how much freedom people should have? How much should we breathe, or at all? How are you going to regulate whether or not people open their front doors in the winter too long? And, your answer (as well as the other environmental neo-Luddites) is to return our societies back to primitive subsistence levels as is experienced in much of Africa (which will certainly help on the population side).

Ah yes, the infamous slippery slope argument. We don't need to argue against point A, just say that "OMG, we'll never be able to have rational thought and eventually point A will become point B and we're all doomed!"
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

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Consumers are too stupid to make good choices - by Quark - 04-07-2008, 04:07 PM

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