Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
A revamp after editorial review:

I think it's interesting how some people are trying to find the proper mud to fling at Obama. Here at our relatively non-partisan lounge, he has been labeled a "crook", his "spine" has been questioned, now we have a post that he's P.T. Barnum "on his white side". What labels are going to stick, and be used all summer long?? What kind of cartoon will he become? We'll see.

But it's funny: the more Ashock denigrates Obama, the more I like Obama. Obama's response to everything has been marvelous. McCain is good about that too, usually. (Hillary's responses are usually horrible; see Carville.) Can you imagine having a president that can actually speak logically? It's been SOOO long...


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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by Vandiablo - 03-29-2008, 07:19 AM

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