Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
Quote:From what my limited perusal at least, on the point of AIDS he's at least severely misinformed, if not outright wrong. However, things like Tuskeegee did happen. Overall from the transcript of the sermons I've read at least, I don't really find much evidence that he is urging to go 'kill whitey, any whitey will do.' ... Having said that, it's a church bulletin. I have to question how many people actually read those things. The last one I've saved was from a friends wedding, and I used it as a makeshift fan during the ceremony. And this church is most likely not the only church that ever printed questionable things on their bulletins. I'm certainly not excusing it by any means. What I am saying is a lot of church bulletins are IMO to be blunt, filled with more nutty pieces than an Almond Joy bar. Sometimes the only truth to be found in there are the coupons at the back.
I guess, just as the IRS believes, when the topic in the pulpit focuses on politics rather than spirituality you cease to be a preacher and a church, and start to become something else and your bulletins become a form of propaganda. TUCC may lose their 501C3 status as a result of Rev. Wright and his political lessons from the pulpit.
Quote:Bringing up how socialists like Jester are enslaving and stealing labor and the fruits of that harvest from everyone doesn't really help clarify matters unfortunately.
I guess I tossed that into the salad to bring a much broader perspective to oppression that transcends race and class. My perspective of freedom, and sentiments of MLK's "Free at Last" are that examples of victory over racial oppression are surrounding us, like Barrack Obama, Condi Rice, Colin Powell and many others. This is a freedom that America offers to its citizens when they can lift themselves from the ghetto. This ghetto now is more of a mind trap where youth do not aspire, rather than are prevented from aspiring to escape it. Socialist policies of caretaking have made poverty comfortable enough to stay in, so that escaping is scarier and harder than just staying poor and ignorant -- yet still collecting a monthly check from the government. Both major parties these days are guilty of vote pandering to these people by offering more handouts. I find the notion of a Government sustained by free loading, by offering more free stuff outrageous. It is a recipe for a spiral descent into economic ruin.

{Tax Rant}We are practicing that recipe here in Minnesota, so I get to see first hand the pain of sustaining a government that is out of control. The democrats over riding the Governor's veto here just passed the largest tax increase in the history of the State. Now every county is voting on raising their sales tax by 1/2 percent to pay for more mass transit. We consume some of the largest per capita funding from the Feds, so let me just thank all you non-Minnesotans for helping sustain our over built road system, 100% social welfare, 100% health coverage for all citizens, and our high standard of living. Before the tax increase we were #6 ranked taxing state in the Union, and now I think we might be right up near the top. In another brilliant move, the democrats are spending the reserve fund which was meant to protect the budget in case of some unforeseen spending problem. No, no no. the democrats would rather use any crisis as a reason to levy an emergency tax to keep the government solvent. All in all, it is ridiculous here and there is likely to be a backlash soon. The citizens are being robbed blind in plain sight, and the misery index is rising fast for every class. All these extra taxes, gas tax, sales tax are regressive and hurt all citizens equally. {/end rant}

Ok, back to the bigger social problem. Did you know that the latest Energy Bill mandates the type of light bulb citizens must use by 2012? I don't have the right to use an incandescent light bulb anymore? I am enslaved by this, and 1000 or more other "laws" that rob me of my freedoms. More than 1/2 my gross income finds its way into the governments coffers, so I consider myself at least half enslaved.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by kandrathe - 03-28-2008, 11:25 PM

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