Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
Quote:support his adherence and promotion of Liberation Theology,

Mind explaining in greater detail why you feel that this item is inherantly negative? You seem to have a tendency to brand Liberation Theology as something evil when i can only assume you mean to refer to Extremist Liberation Theology, or more specifically Extremist Black Liberation Theology. Conflating the two, however, is just as inaccurate as claiming that all muslims are terrorists (as long as we are making comparisons.)

I think it is absolutely true that items in Wright's beliefs are not only entirely offbase (aids being created to harm the Black community) but also destructive when taken in terms of healing race relations. But making the jump from possibly supporting animosity between peoples (whether inadvertantly or intentionally) and a call to violence is another story all together. As of yet, i've not found anything in Wright's words that can reasonably be construed as a support of violence as the answer. If however your point is more that any speech designed to incite anger over oppression could lead to violence than i'm not sure how to respond to that. Are we to accept oppression then because to stand up and oppose it could incite some to violence?

If you truly want to see if Wright's views and statements have an impact on violent behaviors (and you actually believe that the tools of such violence would be "the gloc and the drive by") than it wouldn't be that hard to make a correlation. Just look up the crime statistics in the chicago area and see if there is a statistically higher number of white victims of drive-bys and the like. These types of crimes are generally confined to Black on Black offenses rather than Black on White. If you can find a higher number of Black on White drive-bys than you could assume that there is something about chicago that is inciting or supporting those types of crimes where in other cities you don't find that relation.

Edit: Also (as long as we are making flimsy comparisons) branding all Black Liberation Theology as racist because the "oppressive society" is predominantly white is much like Marie Antionette decrying the french revolution as classist.

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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by Chesspiece_face - 03-28-2008, 04:30 PM

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