Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
jester Wrote:America is not the no. 1 killer, but the number of atrocities that have been commited with american weapons, by american allies, with american support is appalling.
Cry me a river, comrade.

Your "but" construction cannot cover up your standard America bashing noise.

Do you think that you are engaging in some sort of original thinking here?

You offer us the same sh__, different decade, of recycled trash I've been hearing and reading since I was in my teens. That blood spilled is the cost of doing business in a world peopled by human beings. You have no idea how much more could have been spilled had America wished to.

I mean just last week.

Deal with it. The killings will continue, today, tomorrow, and next year, despite strenuous efforts to keep it down to a dull roar. If a thousand die, you'll say it was nine hundred too many. If a hundred die, you'll way it was ninety too many. If ten die, you'll say it was nine too many.

There is no pleasing some people. You abuse the gift of an open society.

Hey, Jester, what up in Tibet? What, you don't know? Hell, neither do I, the Chinese are cracking down on foreign media coverage.

Note how that mutes the criticism? Clever, aren't they?

As to Wright, the great hullabaloo over him (and IMO it is a smoke screen, at the end of the day) has everything to do with the core of his mentality: his UCC is a racialist organization, but that isn't completely negative in effect, nor in intent. Indeed, it originates in a positive intent.

The intent is to empower, or at least spread a mindset of empowerment versus the despair of the streets, which is all too common a theme, all to common an excuse for failure. His success is obvious. Not that many preachers have congregations of 8500. His church is a hub of community activism, much of it positive.

He says "God Damn America."

That is his right. How he'll confront his Lord and Savior over that taking of God's name in vain I'll leave up to him to handle. He knows people in that business, I imagine he'll weather that storm.

I say, "Screw you, Rev Wright, and the ugly mule you rode into town on"

"I am glad you are retired, Rev. Perhaps your parishoner, the famous one who does not have all of your baggage and hatred of Whitey, and Whtey's America, since he's been to Whitey's world and succeeded in it, will dispose of your baggage as you rot in the dust bin of haters in history."

EDIT: In his defense, maybe it's not that he loved Whitey less, but he loved his black brothers and sisters more.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by Occhidiangela - 03-26-2008, 10:44 PM

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