Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
Quote:How is the leader in pledged delegates, states won, and popular vote hurting the Democratic party by not agreeing to be #2 for ... #2.
I just wanted to emphasize this point that Quark made. Obama is currently sitting in the driver's seat for the campaign and only some very lopsided victories could even make it close. Thus, the whole question is structured poorly. The question should have been "Is Clinton hurting the Democratic Party by continuing to take shots at the democratic front-runner who is very likely going to win, regardless of what she does?" The Republican party has picked its nominee and is rallying around him, building up his presidential campaign while the Democratic party is wallowing in the dirt that Clinton has been slinging in a last-ditch effort to win the nomination at all costs. The cost, in this case, is the potential alienation of voters and undermining of the likely nominee.

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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by TheDragoon - 03-17-2008, 02:10 PM

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