Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla
PREFACE: While writing this post, I found the structure of the message had changed from that of a political message of concern into more of an anti-Obama message. That was not my original purpose; I was trying convey some of the things that were bothering me so far this campaign season, however this is not the way it came out. Just thought I'd throw that out as a precaution before you read this:

I've never liked Obama from the get go. Something about his demurring attitude, his polite pride bordering on arrogance, disguised to those that follow him as 'strength'. How could one with so little foreign experience and ties to Islamic extremists even be considered for president? From my point of view, Obama and Hillary were about as split down the Democratic divide as it can get in all the states that mattered, so Hillary, willing to swallow her pride and do what was best for the split Democratic party offered Obama the opportunity to join her party, to set their differences aside for the Democratic party - a noble sentiment to be sure; I highly doubt Obama would have been her first choice as vice president... Obama instead spurned her offer and then proceeded to attack Hillary's campaign and character.

On another note, both parties have lost supporters, but I can't help but take a jab at Obama for his choice of minister, the one that married him and baptized his children and preached to him every Sunday. How ironic that his minister is a idealistic radical, the type of character I believe Obama to be akin to. Does Obama share the same beliefs? He openly rejects his ministers past preachings now, but what about then? Did he write a note, tell his minister he disagreed with his points of view? Did he leave the church? Or did he sit there in the pews nodding his head in confirmation of what he already saw as a correct point of view?

As it stands now, I'm not too excited about Hillary's campaign either. I believe she can actually turn this countries budget crisis around into a surplus like Bill did, however I don't believe she will deal with Iraq correctly. Pulling out all troops at this point would be a grave mistake, and one she has already promised to make. I think McCain WILL deal with Iraq correctly by placing permanent bases on Iraq's boarder (giving us the advantage for any future conflict) while also giving the Iraqi people back their own government and sovereignty. At first, I really didn't want "another Republican" in office after Bush, but now I find most of my view are aligned with McCain's and I find myself not looking so much at party lines anymore and more towards what I want accomplished in the upcoming years. While I'm not yet fully decided, nor do I believe I will be until it is time for the final vote, McCain seems to be the guy who I will cast my vote for today.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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Is Obama hurting the Democratic Party by not joining forces with Hilla - by Taem - 03-16-2008, 01:30 AM

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