I wonder how many folks will change flight plans

Quote:Isn't Pete our resident expert on airlines? IIRC. If so, I'd be interested in if he had any comment.
Wrong tense, should be "Wasn't" -- I'm a retired old fart, now.:)

Except for the actions of the FAA, this is much ado about nothing (Opps, Obama just called and warned me. When I say or type "Much ado about nothing", I am quoting Bill the Quill. There, dodged the 'plagerism' bullet -- but this new policy might triple the length and decimate the clarity of my posts;))

The airline failed to inspect the aircraft at the scheduled time. If the conditions that were to be inspected (tail servos and corrosion, if I got it right) were an immediate danger, the aircraft would have been grounded until inspected. So, there was no immediate danger. A routine check-up slid. Not good, but no big deal. Doesn't make the planes unsafe, just doesn't ensure that they continue to be safe. The airline should get a slap on the wrist.

The FAA managers, OTOH, should be fired and jailed. The FAA is funded by our taxes and exists to ensure our safety. The airlines will always try to cut corners to save money. It is the FAA that makes the rules and that is tasked with enforcing those rules. If they don't do their job, then the travelling public *will* be exposed to a greater risk.

Or so it seems from this easy chair.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


Messages In This Thread
I wonder how many folks will change flight plans - by --Pete - 03-07-2008, 03:23 PM

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