The Two Towers (extended DVD) content news
Well I see the audience has left again, so I guess that's my cue to pack up my karaoke machine and my Radagast The Brown costume and find the next lounge down the road. That'll give me some time to work on the next number... hmm...

Now sit right back and you'll hear a tale
A tale of fateful trip
.... okay that's good...
That started from this Homely House
.... no the trip started earlier... hmmm
That started from this Hobbit Hole
... yeah, that's good, good...
And gave some hoods the slip
... hmmm, hoods not really good enough for Black Riders ...
... and maybe too early in the song, too...
And gave Dark Hordes the slip
.... better, better ...
The mate
... hmm, not mate ....
The scrub's a burly guy named Sam
... heh ...
The Bearer brave and sure
Four hairyfoots set out that day
A three farthing ...
... tour? hmmm ... walk? that doesn't rhyme
... hmmm...

... maybe I'll switch to a Tom Bombadil song...
Hooahoohaha Hooahoohaha
It's the Tommy Bomdiller song
Hooahoohaha Hooahoohaha
.... hmmm, needs a lot of work...

Oh! there was one i wanted to work on!

It's no fun
Being a hobbit on the run

bah, nobody listens to collins anymore ... *sigh* ... now if I did Nirvana songs maybe people would recognize them more, but they're just so depressing ... kinda like Pink Floyd ...

Run to the bedroom
In the suitcase on the left
You'll find my favorite sword
Don't look so frightened
... nah

... *sigh* ... people just don't realize how hard it is to deface other people's works properly ... maybe I'll work on my novel...

They found the dwarf and unburied him, only to have him sink back into the deep snow. "It's as if someone doesn't want us to go any further," said Leggylass. "That would be me," grumbled Scam.

In a tall tower far away, Gurlyman raised his arms, closed his eyes, and chanted solemnly.

Oh the weather 0utside is frightful
but here it's so delightful
And since you've no place to go
let it sn0w let it sn0w let it sn0w


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The Two Towers (extended DVD) content news - by Vandiablo - 06-15-2003, 06:22 AM

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