Avarice 10 man raiding within Karazhan

For those of you know, the Avarice Alliance is attempting to once again become a viable 25man raiding force and in doing so is encouraging and assisting those who wish to participate by supporting them gear up in Karazhan. Below is the post I had listed over on the Carpe Aurum forums. I believe I have most of those who wished to participate but if I missed anyone here's your chance to sign up!

You are not required to have experience in 25man raiding to sign up for Karazhan nor are you required to attend 25man events. This effort is designed for both gear acquisition and to encourage general cross guild co-operation. If you wish to participate and have not yet already signed up on the Carpe Aurum forum, you may do so here. If you just want to have a good time feel free to sign up, especially if you are tank or a healer as you are in short supply!

If you are a Raid Leader or wish to become one, please feel free to contact me at katnap27 at Gmail.com or you may PM me here.

- Mithiks

The quick details:

* Runs this week should continue normally, we need time to get the new rosters planned
* Please use this thread to post information about your available raiding times and characters!

What's going on here?

We're going to organize folks into Karazhan teams. Each team should last for about a month. At the end of that time, we'll shuffle them, based on if people want to change to a different team, start bringing a different character, etc.

Our objectives are:
* Successful Karazhan runs - should be able to down most bosses, if not all
* Gear acquisition to ensure raid viability for 25man runs.
* Bring in new blood - get people who're new to raiding interested in seeing more
* Guild mixing - get people to hang out with a few people from different circles

Mains and alts will be freely used for the Karazhan teams; one advantage of using an alt is that you're getting an experienced player to help the run succeed. If you have well-geared alts you'd like to take to Karazhan, please list them!

Example Signup:

- Available raiding times: weekdays from 10:30 PM to 2 AM server, weekends from 2 PM server to 2 AM
- Preference for raid times: 3-4 days/week, 3-4 hours per raid, no days particularly off limit
- (note: if you do not know what times you're available i.e. because of a frequently changing schedule, give your best guess and ask for 'floater' status)
- Available characters and their Karazhan desires:
- Toon, spec - main/alt - gear needs from Kara.
Raiding availability: 25man / 10man / both.
- Tuftears, 33 resto/28 feral druid - main - nearly done with Karazhan but wouldn't mind feral head/glove T4 pieces - don't mind helping with learning runs
- Lagkitten, 31 BM/20 MM hunter - alt - partly Karazhan geared, would like bow from Prince - prefer gearing runs
- Duff, 40 holy/21 ret paladin - alt - only one Karazhan piece, happy to help heal or DPS but very lightweight as a tank - don't mind helping with learning runs
- Other comments: (this would be a good place to mention if you particularly want to be paired with someone)

Additional Notes:

Each run should have a set of two or three days on which it will run, and enough people between regulars and 'floaters' that it can manage to fill out a complete run even with one or two people unavoidably detained. Alts of people who aren't playing on that day will make ideal fillers for this, but people who have hard-to-predict schedules should receive preference for filling in runs, to ensure that they get some play time.

If there's someone you don't want to be grouped with, or you prefer a particular kind of group, please send a PM to myself so that I am aware of your preferences.

If you currently run or wish to run a Karazhan lock, please let me know along what your current raiding schedule is. I will be coordinating with you to ensure every run has the best chance for success and is still meeting the needs of avarice.

- Mithiks

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Avarice 10 man raiding within Karazhan - by mithiks - 10-30-2007, 05:00 AM

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