Thanks for the run.
Would like to thank Terenas Lurkers for including a few Nightmare Syndicate in your recent run. We both enjoyed learning the fight and getting to content beyond Kara. My new legs look great and it is appreciated that you included us in the opportunity for gear. Hopefully this is the start of a relationship that will benefit both guilds.

NS is a day 1 casual raiding guild. Its members run the gamut from 5 year old children of members to grizzled veterans. Hmm I doubt if Jawana will like being called grizzled. Currently we clear through Prince in Kara. The majority of our core members have experience raiding PreTBC.

The officers of Nightmare Syndicate will be meeting over the next few days to discuss member participation in Lurker runs and suitable requirements for raiding. Obviously steady attendance, a mature attitude and a willingness to learn new content is bottom line. NS would love to hear your thoughts on a suitable process for guild affiliation.


Messages In This Thread
Thanks for the run. - by Crushar - 10-20-2007, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the run. - by Jester - 10-21-2007, 12:19 AM
Thanks for the run. - by Crushar - 10-22-2007, 06:12 AM
Thanks for the run. - by Xame - 10-22-2007, 09:28 PM
Thanks for the run. - by Guest - 10-24-2007, 05:49 PM

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