
Quote:I'm a bit confused on how strafe works;

1st, it says it does 3/4 weapon damage, but it adds +5% damage per skill level... so at say skill level 20, it adds 100% damage of your bow at a 3/4 capacity?
the damage per skill level is physical offweapon damage only, that is, it'll equal to 100 points in dexterity. The 3/4 penalty is global and reduces your overall damage output (including elemental damage from equip).

Quote:2nd, at skill level 20, it says it will attack up to 10-monsters, however what if you are only attacking one monster, such as a boss; will you shoot 10-strafing arrows at it, or only 1?

You will fire ten arrows at a single enemy, but due to the Next Hit / Next Delay mechanism not all of them may get a collision detection granted. Without collision detection they simply fly through your enemy (there's even no Chance to Hit check).
Usually you aim for a 2fpa Strafe. Versus a single enemy only a third of your salve will get a collision detection, since Strafe missiles have a Next Delay timer of four frames. You could aim for a slow Starfe cycle with 5fpa, so every arrow gets a collision check. But then you're in permanent danger, since you're immobile for two seconds during the salve.

Quote:3rd, is the damage bonus, the +100% at skill level 20, added to each and every strafed arrow, or is it divided evenly among all 10-arrows you fire?
It's added to each arrow.

Quote:I think that about covers it. I'm starting up D again with my son and started with one of my favorites, the amazon. Can't decided to go typical multi/guided, multi/strafe, or freezing arrow +all synergies.

For a start, focus on FA with CA syns (IcA syns are pointless), and use Multi at around sLvl12-15 for the physical part. For playing a bowie from scratch this is the most item-independent build.

Quote:After thought; if the answer to question #3 is yes, the damage is applied to each and every arrow, then why would anyone bother taking Guided Arrow when strafe does about 950% more damage for only 8-mana more?
Because GA hast autotarget and autohit. Strafe has just autoaim, which is in addition to the mentioned Delay stuff still subject to Chance to Hit check, Block check, and will anyway go poof quite often if your enemy moves sidewards.

Quote:> Another thought, but totally different: With Sacrifice for the Paladin class, does the 8% damage to self happen after life steal, before life steal, or concurrently with life steal? If you pumped Redemption, Fanaticism, and Sacrifice all to 20, Sacrifice would be doing +865% damage before adding in the Fanaticism aura or other damage modifiers. If you had a good weapon, you could easily be causing yourself way more damage than you have life, and if life steal and the penalty for using Sacrifice don't occur concurrently, that skill is completely useless.
Self-Damage is inflicted before Leech steps in. Yes, this is dangerous, especially against enemies with comparably low life.
Sacrifice gets its fascination from that. Does a lot of damage, but requires always attention. There's lots of monsters from which you can't leech, as an example.
so long ...

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Messages In This Thread
Strafe - by Taem - 10-12-2007, 07:18 AM
Strafe - by librarian - 10-12-2007, 09:34 AM
Strafe - by Taem - 10-12-2007, 04:48 PM
Strafe - by librarian - 10-12-2007, 05:28 PM
Strafe - by Taem - 10-12-2007, 06:57 PM
Strafe - by librarian - 10-12-2007, 10:58 PM
Strafe - by Taem - 01-09-2008, 02:29 AM
Strafe - by librarian - 01-09-2008, 04:55 AM
Strafe - by Archon_Wing - 01-13-2008, 02:13 AM
Strafe - by Taem - 08-08-2008, 06:21 PM
Strafe - by Archon_Wing - 08-10-2008, 08:24 AM

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