09-21-2007, 02:07 AM
Quote:Why is this such a black and white issue? There are a few places where legislating common sense would have a positive effect. Especially if it succeeds in keeping a few bozo's from killing someone else with their car. But why must this be a slippery slope? You keep speaking of it like no matter what, if we let one by, we're doomed to a thousand nit picky laws.What slippery slope? I think it's vertical! Seat belt laws? No smoking on private property of resturants/bars? No smoking in your own car if you have children? Motorcycle helmet laws? No trans fats in fried foods? A ban on metel baseball bats? New York even has a law asking people to refrain from using the n-word. Warning labels on video games? Hey, but porn in the public library is a freedom of speech issue! New York City has a ban on bottle feeding babies to promote breast feeding. And, the Feds banned gambling on the internet. 22 States have bans that prevent teens from using tanning salons. Must I continue? I could fill a book! One chapter per state and we haven't even gotten to the intrusive ones yet!
The root of our disagreement may be that I don't see this one law (in a vacuum, slippery slope future aside) as a bad law. That doesn't mean I'm for legislating common sense everywhere, but I do think people's judgment on a whole can benefit from some firm direction here and there.