California Teen Cell Phone Use Ban While Driving
Quote:I'm sorry you missed my point and are putting words in my mouth. No where did I say we should have less law enforcement. You are the one arguing for more enforcement. I'm trying to tell you that for the goal you want, more enforcement isn't the solution. That is, unless you wish to rescind this quote:
They are not part in parcel contradictory. Having good enforcement of existing laws that have meaning makes some sense to me. You do this by having adequate cops around to stop the senseless behaviors. Having thousands of picky petty laws because some amount of people who have large arachnids sideways in their bungs and who could care less about preserving freedom unless it affects them personally, galls me to no end.
Quote:Like you say, Life is unsafe. Another platitude of life is that human beings make bad choices. Often times its a lack of judgment on our parts that leads to it. Laws like Drivers Licenses are there to tell you 'unless you can preform this standard of skills, you are not allowed, nor safe, to drive a motor vehicle'. Laws like banning cell phones have an effect you're neglecting, it tells people "no, despite what you may think, under no circumstances are you a 'safe' driver while you have a cell phone in your ear". Leaving the law simply as 'don't be wreckless' doesn't have the same effect. If you don't set some guidelines for people's judgment, you're going to get people convinced that they are safe drivers while doing just about anything in the car. And like it or not, the effects of these activities are not always visible to an outsider. Often times its decreased reaction time, not visibly wreckless swerving. Adding more law enforcement isn't going to do diddly to prevent poor reaction time.
Ok, so like I said earlier, we are legislating common sense. It will never end as long as their are senseless people who are allowed to roam around in our society. What you are describing is making laws to keep the honest sensible law abiding people honest. The senseless and the heedless will not follow them, and they may or may not get caught depending on whether a cop see's them, whether he has time to waste educating another idiot and whether he remembers that that specific stupid behavior has a special law.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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California Teen Cell Phone Use Ban While Driving - by kandrathe - 09-20-2007, 03:18 AM

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