The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build
Quote:I obviously don't qualify as some-one from much further in the raiding scheme, but as someone who studies and researches these things and as someone who has come under focus fire for saying things about the content we're about to approach, I feel it might be time to throw down.

This is going to just be an example I'm pulling out of my ass, it's not (to the best of my knowledge) the primary or only examples, but rather a handy one.
Mogrim Tidewalker
Quote:Mogrim Tidewalker, lvl 73 Boss, Health: 5,700,000, Location: SSC.

Melee Attack: 3000-5000 physical damage on tank, will crush this fight (x1.5 dmg).

Tidal Wave: A 35 yard range attack dealing 3938-5062 frost damage and reducing attack speed by 400%. Frontal arc. The debuff lasts 15 seconds.

Watery Grave: Teleport 4 players under the waterfalls. ~6000 damage after 6 seconds, and ~1000 falling damage. 30 sec cooldown.

Earthquake: 3000-4000 damage. 45-60 sec cooldown. 35yd radius from Mogrim.
---Summon Murlocs: After each earthquake, Morogrim Tidewalker summons 2 packs of 6 murlocs, one pack enters from the north, the other south. They have low HP (~17000) and hit for ~400 on plate. Around 1400 on cloth.

Summon Watery Globules: At 25% Morogrim Tidewalker stops casting Watery Grave but begins summoning Watery Globules. He summons 4, one from each grave spot, they move slowly towards a fixed player and explodes for 4000-6000 damage on impact.

I'm effectively only an alt-experienced raid healer, though I have healed for Avarice during the 60 cap and everything we've done so far on Tori. So, to my eyes that seems like a crap-ton of raid damage. PoM, PoH, Chain heal, Binding Heal all seem applicable.

Could I be wrong? Hell yes. If we want, I'll go through the T5 instances and pull up each and every single fight that appears to have a strong raid-healing component, including the trash pulls so the truly dedicated healer-types can pick them apart.


I do see a frontal arc attack. If folks are positioning correctly, only the tank gets hit. (Note, I don't know how the positioning goes so I could be wrong on that).

Watery grave, yeah, I can see that, but how often are those four going to be in the same group as the priest for PoH to be used? Chain heal is a better bet (as long as folks don't get too far spread out when it happens).

Earthquake, play time for shaman on the meleers, but unless there's a priest in there with them, really not much for PoH to be used. CoH really isn't worth losing DS and Imp DS for in a raiding environment unless you have some poor sacrificial lamb willing to do so.

The murlocs, yeah, possibly PoH fodder.

Watery Globules? Either a pally with their 2 second big heal (since Blizzard like to set things up as a spam heal fest with talents and encounter design, most pallies have the two second one up if they're specced for it) or a druid/shaman NS+heal (depending on what other damage is coming in on them at the same time.

Binding heal we already see use in Gruul, but that's something -all- priests have access to. Same with PoM. And really, PoM isn't that exciting. You cast it, making your tank think they've been hit (;)), then you watch it zoom off. Yeah, it's nice that they added graphics to it. It really does add in that something extra, but ultimately, you can't control who it jumps to without letting folks know "Don't stand so close to these folks getting hit if you generally don't take damage" (although it's great fun in PvP with classes with pets - pet on me, player on my heal target, we stand close, it just bounces around constantly:D).

But, I may just be more negative than I should be. Damned pallies! Thanks Blizzard for promoting spam healing for them so much. Really appreciated.
Intolerant monkey.

Messages In This Thread
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Bolty - 08-16-2007, 04:11 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Bolty - 08-16-2007, 04:56 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Xame - 08-16-2007, 05:21 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Kevin - 08-16-2007, 05:23 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Lissa - 08-17-2007, 06:00 AM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by q4m - 08-17-2007, 04:22 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Frag - 08-17-2007, 05:48 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Treesh - 08-17-2007, 06:27 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by q4m - 08-17-2007, 07:59 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Tal - 08-17-2007, 08:02 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Bolty - 08-17-2007, 11:36 PM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Lissa - 08-18-2007, 02:57 AM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Frag - 08-23-2007, 12:08 AM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Bolty - 08-24-2007, 02:26 AM
The PvE "Sidekick" Shadow Priest build - by Kevin - 08-25-2007, 03:51 PM

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