ultimate newb stories.
I thought I would start a thread so we could all laugh at 'that one time I was a complete newb'. I will go first.

This just happened to me this week. I have a couple of friends who all play on a server (that isn't a lurker server. I keep trying to get them to come over to a lurker server.) Every once in a while, they get an itch to do something old world, and bust out some lowbies on this server and have a good time.

They sent me a message saying that they wanted to do a ZF run. (One of the guys has a real hang up over the two swords in there that turn into the epic 2h'er.) He's been begging us to run it every time we play over there, as he just needs the one sword.

I have a space goat warrior over there who is normally specc'd MS. He's 47, and I just mess around with him here and there, mainly mining and what not in case that I ever decide to transfer him, I will have a good nest egg to drop on the AH and make money. (by not selling it now, I'm not tempted to buy stupid gear for him.)

Well, the guy who normally tanks our runs wasn't able to make it, so we respec my warrior prot, and buy me a new shield and sword (bloodrazor for 40g!). I set up my defensive stance bars, and we start rolling. Half way through the run, the Rogue (who we pugged to fill in the extra spot) asked if there was a reason that I wasn't applying sunders to my targets. I say.....

"hmm.. Good question, let me check."

Turns out, that in my haste to put together my defensive stance bars, I NEVER hotkeyed it...... I had tanked all the way to the beginning of the gauntlet event without ever sundering a mob, and never wondering why I didnt see it.... I laughed, my 3 buddies laughed, and the rogue quit the run. We tried to explain to him that I normally don't tank on a warrior, and that I had put everything together to tank literally zoning in. He didn't care. So we decided to try and 4 man it. We did just fine, but in the mix of trying to convince the rogue that is was just a newb moment, I still forgot to hotkey Sunder Armor, and never noticed until the end of the run.

Moral of the story? Learn to tank newb!
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright

Messages In This Thread
ultimate newb stories. - by shoju - 12-10-2008, 08:34 PM
ultimate newb stories. - by vor_lord - 12-10-2008, 08:47 PM
ultimate newb stories. - by Pantalaimon - 12-10-2008, 11:35 PM
ultimate newb stories. - by Mavfin - 12-11-2008, 02:04 AM
ultimate newb stories. - by Concillian - 12-11-2008, 02:15 AM
ultimate newb stories. - by shoju - 12-11-2008, 12:12 PM
ultimate newb stories. - by Taelas - 12-11-2008, 12:36 PM
ultimate newb stories. - by bonemage - 12-11-2008, 01:58 PM
ultimate newb stories. - by Crusader - 12-11-2008, 03:32 PM
ultimate newb stories. - by Gregorius - 12-11-2008, 11:12 PM

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