So what did you think of the new album?
funny you brought that link up, we actually used that article as a source for part of a project me and two others did at school only 3-4 weeks ago :)

I think it's true though, I never buy anything before I've listened to it. Earlier I had to do that in the store, but now I can do it at home. That means I listen to more music which again means that I find more music I like. That makes me buy more CDs.

IMO they need to stop fighting it and start using it to their own advantage, something we also concluded with in our project. Taking advantage of the mechanisms of networks could probably make them sell even more CDs, but if they want to be backwards I guess they have their right to be it. They are fighting battle they will probably never win though.

Messages In This Thread
So what did you think of the new album? - by d2u - 06-05-2003, 01:46 PM
So what did you think of the new album? - by Feryar - 06-06-2003, 01:39 PM

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