BlizzCon: New content playable on Friday
Quote:On a wild tangent, am I the only one that thinks Zul'aman is the most ridiculous idea they've come up with so far? That it's a raid instance featuring trolls isn't what I mean (hey, Zul'gurub rocked); I mean that it's a raid instance for both factions located inside a Horde zone. This won't really impact people leveling in Ghostlands very much unless the Allies decide to camp Tranquillien while waiting on the rest of their raid (and that will happen), but I know that I'll be setting up a tent city at the EPL portal, ganking and camping Allies porting in.

You said it yourself, it's a Horde zone. As in, the Horde won't be automatically flagged in it. As in, no ganking of the low levels, even on a PvP server.

Worst case scenario is simply that a Horde gets an opening move on some Alliance flagged. That's PvP pretty much everywhere else in the world - one side gets a cheapshot in to start things off. If you have to deal with it, guess what? You rolled on a PvP server, deal with it. They can only get that cheapshot once (in five minutes).

Quote:Seems like it'd be a much better idea to make Zul'aman a Horde-only raid, and make another raid - completely identical in encounter design, terrain design, loot, everything - in space squid land (Bloodmyst Isle, I think is what it's called), with whatever their "natural" enemies are (Eredar, maybe?) You'd have two identical raid instances for the factions; the only difference would be cosmetic. Hell, you could even have the same lore (simply replace trolls with whatever the space squid enemy is.)

Wow that sounds like a colossus waste of time on Blizzard's part.

Quote:I'm not really complaining; I'm looking forward to the waves of tears that will be unleashed when the hapless Allies stumble into my tent city at the EPL portal, but I do think it's a pretty stupid idea.

Yes, we know, you're a jerk. You never stop broadcasting that to the world.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

Messages In This Thread
BlizzCon: New content playable on Friday - by Quark - 07-31-2007, 12:15 PM
BlizzCon: New content playable on Friday - by q4m - 08-01-2007, 09:39 PM
BlizzCon: New content playable on Friday - by q4m - 08-06-2007, 11:48 PM
BlizzCon: New content playable on Friday - by Tal - 08-09-2007, 03:02 AM

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