So, I bit the proverbial bullet
Quote:And, I rolled a horde on Tichondrius. Something I've noticed were the AH prices for low-level mats.

5s for a Tigerseye gem? 19s for a stack of Light Leather? Why in the world is this guy selling 3 stacks of Linen Cloth with a 5s buyout (Considering the other auctions were selling for 35s, it was trivial to buy it, and resell it, but why would someone post an auction like that?)

I mean, I've heard that the AH prices were different server to server, but I had no idea they were that different. On Ner'Zhul, Light Leather is an easy 99s/stack, while Linen also sells for 99s/stack.

Is there something vastly different in the economy of the server? Did the gold farmers just not get to it? (Which seems an unlikely proposition, as copper is still fiendishly expensive).

For a note, my now level 31 rogue's got roughly 80 gold by now, most of it through AH sales of leather and cloth.

I have not noticed a difference in the auction house prices between Tichondrius and Stormrage, but then my Tichondrius characters are all low level and poor, and are not often window shopping purple weapons. And I seem to have stopped leveling my Blood Elf hunter because the Basin friend I was leveling with lost interest in horde, at least for the time being. In my limited opinion, on a PvP server you need an active guild, or at least a group of friends, to quest. Though the excitement of a PvP environment is hard to match on Stormrage. It was great fun to be chased by a ?? alliance hunter from Talon Deep almost to the Crossroads, and to beat a six levels higher shaman who tried to get an easy kill. It was not as fun to fly into Tarren Mill and be killed instantly, her first death, at level 27.

World PvP has been mostly moribund since battlegrounds came out. If I see someone killing a mob I leave them alone. Early in retail Ruv and I were questing on the beach in Darkshore and found a flagged orc on a copper node who should not have been there. We killed him with an arrow to the back as he tried to run away and I still feel rather bad about that. There is still some world PvP on Stormrage for characters less than 70 but not much. When Baguette at about level 63 was getting exalted with the Timbermaw, she was helping a 50 something rogue with the quest for the Chief. A horde party of three were also trying to get the Chief. Baguette used AoE to tag the mobs, and then noticed that the horde were flagged. Being much lower level the rogue was afraid to help, but Baguette got herself three furbolgs and an orc.

I have no experience with low level battlegrounds, but I recently saw a level 19 in IF who had on the battle tabard of the Silverwing. Someone must be doing them!

Edit: Spelling.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

Messages In This Thread
So, I bit the proverbial bullet - by Delc - 07-03-2007, 03:35 PM
So, I bit the proverbial bullet - by Xanthix - 07-03-2007, 06:36 PM
So, I bit the proverbial bullet - by q4m - 07-03-2007, 09:22 PM
So, I bit the proverbial bullet - by Tris - 07-06-2007, 04:43 PM
So, I bit the proverbial bullet - by LavCat - 07-07-2007, 07:39 PM

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