Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news
Quote: Weren't you the one that said a large segment of the population believed the lies of the 'Decider'? Like oh say, Saddam was directly involved and responsible for the 9\11 attacks? But now you're telling me I should not see them so readily to accept anything shown on screen?

Well it depends what is right and what is wrong....and what your opinion is. Mine was that the Bush government used teh 9/11 attacks to force it's neoconservative agenda on the country and the world, I am against legalized guns, I think that the health insurance system in the US is not perfect. So for me it is maybe easier to go along with what is said.
This doesn't mean that I think wallmart is responsible for shooting deaths (they are just responsible for only selling music CD's with lyrics that are christian friendly:)), I also don't think Wolfowitz is a salivaing monkey or all the other things. I can distinguish clearly between facts and populist cutting and pasting. Remember that even at the time of Colin Powells speech about the "proofs" of the WMD in Iraq (remember the satalite pictures) I was still sure of the non existence of these things.

If people that are less sharp would just reflect, you see that (and I'm talking about the big point) about the WMDs they were lied to, while when Moore wants to show that the Bush goverment has used terrorism for political gain, he has been (at least) much more right. I say much more because such a thing never will be proven solidly, but things look like that.
The difference between trying to make your point like he does, and outright lying what Colin Powell did, is huge, you must admit that.

For the rest I can agree with most things in your last post. I think finally we have not so much different opinions. Maybe like Pete remarked I have a much too high opinion about normal people with respect to this.
I will when I have some time visit one of these anti moore webpages, which want to show where Moore lies. Juts to have more of an idea of the thing you meant.

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Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news - by eppie - 06-26-2007, 12:07 PM

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