Quote:Hey, they might still make The Black Temple easier and easier! Based on everything I've heard (and seen Blizzard do), I'm hoping to solo it in about 6 months. :shuriken:
One has to chuckle but I can see how the way Blizzard is tuning its raid encounters really is in the best interest of all their customers. Raids that require everyone to be a really good player deserve attunements to check each person. But if they nerf the raid down so it's only really the hardcore who need to be up to speed and you can fill the raid out with reasonably sensible people who can do their function without standing in the If You Stand Here You Die spot then if makes sense to not to have to attune those filler players
Currently my latest project is rather stalled because my Warrior is ready for Heroics, has the gear, has the keys but the rest of my new guild isn't ready. And I can certainly empathise with the frustration of people who are ready for SSC/TK but can't fill out the raid because others aren't. I may be the only tank who can't find a group!
Another point is that if attunements had stayed the mid-level guilds now entering SSC/TK are far far more vulnerable to losing members to more progressed guilds than those uber guilds who have blazed through the content thus far. On my server only one guild is in SSC and I suspect that people in the second and third guild who are attuned but waiting on everyone else drift over to them as and when they have vacancies keeping the top dog top and the rest behind.
Anyway Kauben at EJ summed it up rather nicely with:
Quote:1) It's nice for those who can't play as much.
2) It's horrible for the neckbeards who think high-end content should be exclusive.
3) Many boss fights will still require certain gear/experience checks.
There, I summed up this thread and now I'm closing it.