SR Karazhan Signup
I can't believe how hypocritical this is.


1) There was a failed kara attempt organised by Detector. After that bad attempt, there was no enthusiasm in more runs.

2) Even among those who sign up for raids, there is a difference in preparation and time commitment given. Elaboration later.

3) Holyrain attempted to organise another kara run. Not a lot of lurkers and alliance signed up/seemed excited about this run. Was it because of the failure of run one? Lack of confidence?

Those who signed up on time for this raid:

pakse (signed up a couple times but never got to play due to work mostly)
mithiks (signed up, but had specified things to do so may not make it)

On raid day,

At this point, we had 7 of us, 1 healer. (excludes pakse and mithiks because they had stated they may not make it).

We need 3 more, including 1 healer. What to do?

So we asked friends, trying for anyone not raid locked, good players we've pugged with and liked, and they came.

Detector also signed up now (shadow priest)
Zynli probably came because we begged him and he was around, replacing shadowmagix who couldn't make it.

Refer to this post:

The week's kara raid was pretty successful, killed attuman, probably moroes.

4) The next week, there was a very late sign up post. Holyrain was away on some other business. Those who signed up on time were:


Sign up on raid day itself:
Keshi (was protection then)
Multanis (asked privately)

Results of the week's raid: Was okay, no real progression since there was a lack of time. At this point, realise that multanis has had to mainheal along with selendra for 2 weeks, because nobody else is a healer.

5) Another week, another raid:

On time sign ups:
Lightlady (new sign up, somewhat undergeared, but priests for shackles are always welcome)
privately asked multanis, who agreed.
Pakse (pakse always signs up but unfortunately the raid doesn't fit her time schedule)
popar (new sign up, just returned to wow after letting subscription lapse)
hykim (he'd be late probably due to work)
iaretankgood never signs up in any week, but he's been filling in whenever someone can't come at the last minute, which is often. (And he plays key roles always)

There was definite progression this week. Even an ad-hoc organising of a curator/chess event run that was successful.

6) The week's kara sign up:

Detector (switched back to holy priest)
(Assume iaretankgood is here waiting to fill in, which he was)
Selendra (could only make it on friday this week)

Raided two days, not enough people showed up for a Friday attempt.

Raid is making good progression again. Clearing trash faster, downing bosses faster.


7) So what was the point in listing all the signs up above? My point is, do you see familiar names cropping up? Yes?

Do you see any new names crop up for the 4 weeks? Popar and lightlady. Are multanis, iaretankgood, thamelas new names? No.

8) So, at this point, there is about 14-15 people rotating for 10 slots.

The kara run continues to make good progress every week.

And now the officers (sabra, tal, who else?) decide that we need to give priority to lurkers and alliance and only find room for multanis, tankgood if possible.

a) who among the officers are even in our kara run and play with us, and will be affected personally? Lets see. Sabra. Who else is an officer?

B)how many lurkers kara runs are there in stormrage? Bolty/Tal/officers have a wildly successful kara run, yes?

Do you have 15 people or more rotating and trying to get into your run, or is it just 10-12 players?

Do you have room to invite others to your kara runs?

When attunement was actually needed, did you have room to actually offer help, instead of just urging everyone to be nightbane attuned?

c) Since those of you making the rules are mostly not part of the kara runs, do you know exactly how prepared each player is, and how much effort they're contributing to the run?

Multanis - fully potted, despite pretty good healing gear. Always. Late once when he had pc problems.
Lightlady - sorry chris, but you still don't have the bonus heal right now.
Detector - I've heard him mention lack of mana pots twice now. Late a few times.
iaretankgood - in very good pvp and crafted gear, available to help us make up 10 whenever we need.

d) So most of the officers are part of another, more successful kara run that doesn't invite anyone else to play, doesn't have the sign up problems this team 2 run is facing right now, probably didn't see the difference in effort the lurkers and non lurkers friends are putting into this kara run.

Yet you think you have a better idea of what's more fair for this kara run.

I'm going to repeat what I said earlier. You're being hypocrites. Prove me wrong. Find a spot for weaker players and help them more in your elite runs.

I cannot be a part of this. I like some of you a lot. We've played quite a bit over the past few weeks, and I applaud your commitment, especially


It's been fun.

Messages In This Thread
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-18-2007, 12:16 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Bleeds - 06-18-2007, 12:48 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-18-2007, 01:11 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by weatherine - 06-18-2007, 02:52 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-18-2007, 06:53 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Pen - 06-18-2007, 08:06 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Popar - 06-18-2007, 08:10 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by multanis - 06-18-2007, 10:57 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Pen - 06-18-2007, 11:12 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Shorty - 06-19-2007, 02:26 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Lightlady - 06-19-2007, 04:12 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Gerdts - 06-19-2007, 04:25 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-19-2007, 11:26 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-19-2007, 11:28 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-19-2007, 11:38 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Magix - 06-19-2007, 03:34 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-19-2007, 09:15 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-19-2007, 10:11 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-20-2007, 12:15 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-20-2007, 01:40 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 01:58 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-20-2007, 02:44 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by weatherine - 06-20-2007, 02:53 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 03:19 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by multanis - 06-20-2007, 03:24 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 04:29 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 04:30 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 04:31 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-20-2007, 04:34 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-20-2007, 05:41 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-20-2007, 05:55 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Thamelas - 06-20-2007, 07:23 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Shorty - 06-20-2007, 07:33 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 07:34 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 07:37 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 07:45 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Popar - 06-20-2007, 08:04 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Thamelas - 06-20-2007, 08:11 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 08:20 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 08:28 PM

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