SR Karazhan Signup
All Kara 2 Raiders, please read.

Not all of you may be aware that I am an officer of the Lurkers Guild. I also want to make you aware that Lurkers has a long-standing alliance with 3 other guilds - alliance is referred to as the Avarice Alliance. You Lurkers know this, but some of you outside the guild may not.

Last night in my capacity as a guild officer, I fielded a complaint about rostering non-Lurkers/non-Avarice Alliance over Lurkers/Alliance. I shared that complaint with all of you over Teamspeak. Since none of you wanted to take a few minutes to handle the complaint right then and there within the raid, I gathered more specifics about the complaint before taking it to the officers channel for further input.

This is where we stand now. I'm opening the floor for your input, and I hope you will share your thoughts. Here are mine.

I appreciate all the help we've received from Multanis, Thamelas and iaretankgood, but we now have enough Lurkers to fill this raid and I think we should give them priority. The officers from who I have heard endorse this plan. I am less attached to prioritizing Avarice Alliance members, since we have not relied on them in the past. I would prefer to honor the contributions of Multanis, Thamelas and iaretankgood if there is space for them in a raid.

I realize this may means a small set back in progression and maybe running some instances to help a few Lurkers improve their gear. I trust that those Lurker who are being waitlisted due to gear know who they are and will take the appropriate actions to get themselves prepared to the best of their ability. If you're not sure if you fall into that category, please ask! I remind you that Sabramage was under-geared for Karazhan and yet there has been no tremendous repurcussions associated with that.

There's my 2 gold so far, and I await your input. If you are not raiding with Kara2 or an officer in Lurkers, I respectfully request that you carefully consider the value of your input before posting in this discussion.

No time to preview or spell check, so I hope this reads ok.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!

Messages In This Thread
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-18-2007, 12:16 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Bleeds - 06-18-2007, 12:48 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-18-2007, 01:11 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by weatherine - 06-18-2007, 02:52 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-18-2007, 06:53 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Pen - 06-18-2007, 08:06 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Popar - 06-18-2007, 08:10 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by multanis - 06-18-2007, 10:57 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Pen - 06-18-2007, 11:12 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Shorty - 06-19-2007, 02:26 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Lightlady - 06-19-2007, 04:12 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Gerdts - 06-19-2007, 04:25 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-19-2007, 11:26 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-19-2007, 11:28 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-19-2007, 11:38 AM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Magix - 06-19-2007, 03:34 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-19-2007, 09:15 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-19-2007, 10:11 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-20-2007, 12:15 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by winkle - 06-20-2007, 01:40 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 01:58 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-20-2007, 02:44 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by weatherine - 06-20-2007, 02:53 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 03:19 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by multanis - 06-20-2007, 03:24 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 04:29 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 04:30 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 04:31 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-20-2007, 04:34 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Sabra - 06-20-2007, 05:41 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Mavfin - 06-20-2007, 05:55 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Thamelas - 06-20-2007, 07:23 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Shorty - 06-20-2007, 07:33 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 07:34 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 07:37 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 07:45 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Popar - 06-20-2007, 08:04 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Thamelas - 06-20-2007, 08:11 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Zyn - 06-20-2007, 08:20 PM
SR Karazhan Signup - by Tal - 06-20-2007, 08:28 PM

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