Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news
A comment from the sideline:

The youtube-clip containing Moore's admission that he was OK with people downloading his movie is old, and when the reporter asks about "the movie", it's not Sicko he's referring to, but most likely Bowling for Columbine or one of his other earlier works.

Although Michael is entitled to have and express his own opinions, I find it a bit irresponsible of him to practically invite people to pirate his movie. Unless Michael is the sole architect behind the funding, pre-production, writing, directing ,producing, editing, scoring, casting, starring and promoting of the film (and all the other facets of movie-making), he's not the only one depending on the economic turnout of 'his' pictures. There's a lot of other people who contributed to his movies who may NOT be ok with their movie being pirated. Shouldn't Michael check with them before inviting theft?

This is not an anti-pirating post. I'm not entirely innocent of the crime myself, I'm just saying that Michael really shouldn't have OK'd the copying of this movie(s) without checking with every single person involved with the production of that movie.
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Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news - by [wcip]Angel - 06-17-2007, 08:04 PM

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