Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news
Quote:No, they shouldn't. Why should I have to pay for someone else using a service I'm not? If you want to be nice and pay for some random kid's schooling, you could donate money to a private school (in the world where public schools don't exist). The fact is that our public schools are way behind and the private sector is doing a much better job of it. I shouldn't be forced to pay for some crap system that I'm not even using.

During the New Hampshire Republican debate one of the questions was about how prescription drugs are cheaper in other countries. Well, duh, an American buying drugs somewhere like Canada or France is just stealing from the citizens of those countries. When I get sick, I'll buy drugs. I don't want to pay for hypochondriac-crazy-cat-lady down the street thinking she's sick every time she sneezes.

Of course, I'm a crazy Libertarian and those in favor of nationalized healthcare are likely more liberal in their leanings. I guess I'm just a cold-hearted SOB.
Well, I suppose there would be a kind of pleasing symmetry if the US spent more per head than any other Western nation on (private) education but had the worst literacy rate; after all, it currently spends more per head on healthcare but has the worst infant mortality.

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Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news - by Flymo - 06-17-2007, 04:41 PM

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