Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news
Quote:No. That is exactly the point. Our education system is crap, BECAUSE the government is involved. I do pay the bulk of my state and local taxes for education, and I DO and WILL send my children to private school. One other point. Many private schools are being discriminated against by the "pro public school" legislatures of States.No it is funded.
So government shouldn't fund education either? That is an interesting point of view.
Quote:One problem is that hospitals are "For Profit" enterprises, and the LAW requires people to be cared for resulting in red ink for health care providers. The insurance providers are "For Profit", so they determine the price for drugs, for a procedure, and the health care workers salaries. Huge profits for the HMO, fixed salaries for doctors and escalating tort insurance.
I don't understand this insurance point, which your previous post said stopped doctors working for MN Care if I undestood it correctly. Surely if a doctor is in private practice they may get sued for malpractice and need insurance, but if they work for a government organisation it is the organisation that would get sued and so they don't need insurance? That's how it works here anyway.


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Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news - by Flymo - 06-17-2007, 01:11 PM

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