Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news
Quote:The Case Against Socialized Medicine

Some of the comments are interesting as well, like "When taxpayers become liable for all of your medical expenses, all of your behavior, from the smallest to the largest detail will come under their {the governments} control. Maybe some people don't mind making a trade like that. But I do, and my freedom isn't theirs {the governments} to spend. Not for "free" health insurance, not for anything."

Well some note I might add.
The government (in Holland) always made sure there was health care, sometimes there were waiting lists, but they are still there. One of the reasons to change the health care system was this point you mention....many people go to the doctor for every small thing, which most of the time is nothing.
Well to combat that by a system where health care can be bought by money (from the richest) is not something what I'm happy about.
I'm fine with a completely private system (next to the normal health care) where the rich can buy their operations....but this cannot be at the cost of other people.
But I think it is a question of who you trust....I trust my government (although they are a bunch of morons:) ) more than I do some insurance company that tries to cut costs wherever it can. I rather pay a bit too much for some guy who thinks it is necessary to see a doctor with every cough, than that I have to pay everything myself because in point 6,13 clause B it is stated that my insurance company does not have to pay.

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Michael Moore's "Sicko" is hot internet news - by eppie - 06-17-2007, 12:00 PM

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