06-05-2007, 07:40 PM
Quote:I think that Nihilum is certainly not a measure, and according to Tigole, Blizzard wants us to "beat the encounters" (before the next xpac is out);)
If you've been tracking BT progression, every guild that kills Kael basically flies about 10 bosses deep into Hyjal/BT, some with undermanned raids. People are killing raid bosses in 2 to 3 pulls with ridiculous numbers like eight people left standing for half the fight. The encounters should be beatable, but they should be challenging, too. I don't raid to crack pinatas for loot. The process of learning an encounter and then finally beating it is what's fun about raiding.
I'm not saying that people should be blocked for months, but look at it this way. Killing Nefarian, C'thun, Twin Emps, a number of other fights, all felt great. When they finally went down, there was a sense of accomplishment, an exhilarating rush. It would have be much less so if they'd died on the second try. Everyone talks about their first-kills of certain bosses, but no one ever lists their first Grobbulus kill as their best experience ever, because you could basically 1-shot him without knowing anything about what he did. That's less fun than having to take a couple raids to learn abilities, devise strategies, and having it all come together for a win.