So Bolty, when are the Diablo 3 Forums going up?
Quote:I read somewhere [official] that the Summoner was "replacing" the Necromancer. I really liked the Necromancer. Also, the Wizard is suppose to replace the Sorceress. These aren't my assumptions, but I think it was in the D3 FAQ. If your really interested, I could do some digging for links.

That really just seems like a logical progression to me, not a replacement. Bringing back the same classes is boring. Look at D2 from D1 - the amazon is essentially the rogue, sorceress the sorcerer, and they decided to take two diverging takes on the warrior. They are just different takes on the same basic character type.

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So Bolty, when are the Diablo 3 Forums going up? - by the Langolier - 12-24-2008, 02:25 AM

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