Blizzard's "major announcement" is but mere weeks away
Ah, I don't think think Blizz would want to make "Wc3 in space" so that shouldn't be an issue. It would be wise for them for them to keep both games' distinctive style.

Also, while producing lots of units quickly is a big part Starcraft's gameplay, it's actually a side effect of one of major aspects of strategy, namely, economic management. A lot of times, a player will have a larger army but if he/she doesn't put enough pressure on the other player who may have decided to spend more on improving their economy will end up losing. After all, resources run out and one cannot simply continuously pump units off one base.

There's also a very strong micro element in the game as well, although it's more generalized in that you can't preserve individual units like you can in wc3. Units in Starcraft have a high damage to HP ratio, which means that micro mistakes can be fatal, not to mention the gamepace is also fast. [eg walking 20 marines into 2 lurkers] Spellcasters are also highly effective. Certain units such as carriers can do lots of damage depending on how well the players micro them, and how the other players micro against them.

But yea, I think Blizzard, will take the time to be able to sell both Sc2 and Wc4. ;o
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Blizzard's "major announcement" is but mere weeks away - by Archon_Wing - 05-19-2007, 04:59 AM

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