05-19-2007, 04:42 AM
Quote:However, SC is known for its balance.
Another thing that SC is known for is that players often end up in control of large numbers of units instead of small squads. I read somewhere that this wasn't entirely intentional on Blizzard's part and is why they specifically built away from it in WC3. It kind of worries me that they will go the same route with a SC sequel. I'm unsure if it will even feel like SC without the mass unit control style of play. Maybe they will decide that mass unit control is SC's niche in the RTS genre and so not go the way of WC3, but I'm not confident about it. What does everybody else feel about this? How important is the mass unit control style to SC and do you think Blizzard will stick to it or go more towards the small squad control style like in WC3? Assuming that they are indeed going to announce SC2 and so this train of thought is worth considering.