Anyone want to comment on the new splash page?
Quote:Knowing how long Blizzard takes to develop games, by the time a new Blizz MMO came out, WOW would be if not dead then at least dying. So I really do not see a problem (from a business standpoint) with another Blizz MMO, be it SC or Diablo.

I'd say that they would take another 2-3 years to actually release it, and looking at the fact that the current lvl cap in WOW is 70 and that Blizz is planning a one/year XPack, and that they will probably raise the cap by 10 with every XPack..... yeh, 2-3 years.... lvl 90-100. Sounds about right. I bet they planned it from the time they made the original lvl cap at 60.

Of course I could be wrong.
I think we are actually in agreement here - the current announcement is most assuredly about something coming relatively soon, so it is unlikely to be any type of MMO, but there is definately room in the future for SC MMO or Diablo MMO of sorts.

That pretty much leaves us with 2 options - SC2 or Diablo3. Given lack of any real move to secure Diablo 3 domain and the disbanding of Blizzard North (Diablo makers), along with direct competition from Hellgate:London, it makes release of Diablo3 unlikely and probably unwise choice. Given some circumstantial support in favor of SC2 and lack of anything similar in favor of anything else, I can only say one thing:

"entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"

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Anyone want to comment on the new splash page? - by lemekim - 05-15-2007, 08:38 PM

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