Anyone want to comment on the new splash page?

Notice any similarities between that page and Blizzard's main splash page? =P That, along with tons of circumstantial evidence (hiring of 3D RTS level designers, announcing this in Korea, partial rumor confirmation) squarely points to SC2 as the next project.

It is unlikely to be SC MMO with WoW still sporting millions of players and having several expansions coming up, given that the biggest competitor of that MMO would be Blizzard themselves. However, we might see some twist to the traditional formula of RTS, perhaps it will be more oriented on squad combat or there will be extensive online play options unlike others we have seen... But I believe that it will still be a SC2 RTS (or at worst, SC2 FPS!).

Knowing how long Blizzard takes to develop games, by the time a new Blizz MMO came out, WOW would be if not dead then at least dying. So I really do not see a problem (from a business standpoint) with another Blizz MMO, be it SC or Diablo.

I'd say that they would take another 2-3 years to actually release it, and looking at the fact that the current lvl cap in WOW is 70 and that Blizz is planning a one/year XPack, and that they will probably raise the cap by 10 with every XPack..... yeh, 2-3 years.... lvl 90-100. Sounds about right. I bet they planned it from the time they made the original lvl cap at 60.

Of course I could be wrong.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to comment on the new splash page? - by Ashock - 05-15-2007, 07:48 PM

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