Quote:Because every last class in the raiding group is supporting each other Mirajj! Do I have to beat you over the head with a baseball bat to get you to understand this?! In tBC it's not about the damage that you do, it is about the damage the TEAM does. Hunters have ways to synergize and boost the raid's DPS, if you are willing to make those changes to benefit the TEAM instead of yourself, then you'd be welcomed and a lot of hunters are hung up on this very aspect. The whole point of tBC raiding has changed drastically from what it was prior to tBC.
And I am asking you...in what ways can an hunter synergize with the raid to help them out? I see three options. FI, TSA or EW (I don't include MD, because every hunter should have it, it being a trainable skill and all). Of those, probably EW is the 'best', but they are all pretty similiar in support provided to the raid. That's not a lot of raid buffing synergy there. Two of them are party based. One of them benefits any type of party the hunter is in (FI) but is a proc, while the other depends on having a party with physical dps (TSA) but is a constant. EW benefits all attackers, providing it can be kept up (not that hard, but is proc based) but comes from the lowest outputting hunter spec of the three.
Look! I understand a hunter's synergy! The question I'm putting to you is WHY BOTHER BRINGING A HUNTER aside from MD? Any of the synergy buffs we do are outdone by having a different dps class (and one with more synergy) around. For instance, while the rogue doesn't bring a lot of synergy to a raid, s/he benefits greatly from the buffs going around to do insane damage, thus they are desired. There are very few buffs a hunter benefits from, so what we have is what we bring. What we bring to the table is low dps and marginal synergy at best. Bringing a hunter tends to hurt the TEAM more then benefit them, if other options are available. A hunter is a nice fill in if someone's sick that night. A hunter is not a 'desired' class to have (and please, please, please don't give us tranq shot gimmick fights back to fix it).
~Not all who wander are lost...~