05-02-2007, 02:00 AM
Quote:Angel' date='Apr 30 2007, 06:33 PM' post='128790']this is just stupidIt is not so non-sequiter. How much Anime and Manga is obsessed with sword or gun violence? There is a growing appetite in the eastern world for violent media. Whether or not that fascination extends into obsessions is the separation of the adjusted from the border line insane.
Sure, these things are probably automated. It searches the article for keywords and prompts any articles where those words are also mentioned.. but come on, there was no one around to fix this?
But, sorry, I don't find it distasteful to show links to Olympic shooting events by Koreans. Headlines are usually outrageous and misleading. Anyone who would seriously think the links are related (or trust any news article at face value for that matter) is seriously detached from the modern world.
In the supposedly information age, I find the lack of reliable objective source material appalling.