Ever run into something on the internet that weirds you out?

maybe you've followed some recent discussions about the silly web2.0 hype and how careless people are handling their private data now regarding myspace, youtube, flickr and the lot.
What even the few people actually concerned about their private data always miss in those discussions is the fact, that in 'Ancient Times Before Web2.0 Hype' you also didn't know who may more or less accidentially have stumbled over something you've published somewhere in an environment you thought of as 'semi-private'. *

The 'internet' is public space. Even if you've erased all your data and bombed all your ex-ISPs to oblivion there's still the webarchieve and wayback machine engines, google cache and whatever means allowing you to find stuff if you invest enough patience.

* ... really a deja vu like some ten years ago ...
so long ...

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Ever run into something on the internet that weirds you out? - by librarian - 04-30-2007, 10:00 AM

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