Do Shamans have a place in end game content?
Erm, I'm not so sure I agree with any of the comments here about shaman damage/longevity in live. I am by no means especially well geared but on the last three khara runs I've been on (two lurker and one keeper) I've been top dps and even withouth a spriest or a paladin I've only been using the average consumables that a mage uses on long fights.

In regards to endgame, some of the encounters aren't that good of a measure (Gruul being nature resistant half of the time), but the top raiding elem shaman I know (Ezareth for example) more than pull their weight in the meters while being a value-added totembot.

Ptr is a whole new cookie though, and could really shake things up. They've changed it again so clearcasting is a 70% reduction but I still feel that's not enough. I've already been pigeonholed into raid healing once, and if it doesn't change a bit more I'll probably just end up turning my enh shaman into my main for a while *shrug* That's the way these things go though.

The only problem I find these days is that I can be an aggro monkey. With good tanks *love you Tiga and Geld woo* it's not so much of a problem unless me and Xarhud are trying to get GG dead in Khara, but it can be a huge problem since with a crit or two and a trinket I easily break 800 tps.:(
Currently a PoE junkie. Wheeeeee

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Do Shamans have a place in end game content? - by VinnieJones - 04-29-2007, 03:12 PM

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