Done for my fellow Hellfire players : Fully functional TCP/IP Multipla
Well, I've defeated one of the hardest challenges to ever cross my path, successfully incorporating TCP/IP into one of the most overlooked video games in history. Diablo's only expansion ever created: Hellfire.

Hellfire was created by Synergetic Software - a division of Sierra and released in 1997. It was regarded as a major failure by many original Diablo players because:

Quote:- The game's atmosphere was not as effective as the dark, gothic environments of the first.
- New sound effects for new monsters are at a much lower bitrate. One set is only existing effects, resampled and distorted by the lower bit-rate (Goatmen - Satyr Lord)
- Most monster designs were uninspired, and of little relevance to the source material of the first game (for example, a certain enemy in Hellfire resembles a leaping pumpkin with feet and glowing eyes).
- The majority of the new spells were unimpressive, as they had a tendency to be simple modifications to existing spells (Firewall -> Lightning Wall), or convenience spells, such as Search and Warp.
- Hellfire had no support for, the online service utilized by Blizzard's online multiplayer games. This is arguably the most flawed aspect of the Hellfire expansion, given the impressive popularity of the first Diablo.
- Frustrating pathing problems, especially pronounced in the Crypt levels, resulting in "dithering" behavior while trying to pursue ranged-attack monsters (e.g., liches).

Cited from: Wikipedia

Well, I have - after all of these years - finally incorporated TCP/IP into Hellfire. It is not totally incorporated, but it uses a very clever method and exploits the "Serial Cable" connection protocol in order to establish a TCP/IP connection. Up to four players can simaltaneously play Hellfire now.

Here's how you too can run TCP/IP on Hellfire:

1. You need to enable the hidden Multiplayer option in Hellfire.

To this you must create a text file with the name of "command.txt" in your Hellfire directory, and enter only the following line:


There also several other hidden options you can enable in the same command line:

cowquest; - Enables the hidden cow quest for the Bovine plate.
theoquest; - Replaces one of the Act 5 quests with a little girl who lost her teddy bear in the crypt.
bardtest; - Enables the secret "Bard" class that uses the Rogue artwork and can wield two one-handed weapons at once. Arguably a cheat class since the weapon damages stack.
barbariantest; - Enables the secret "Barbarian" class that uses the Warrior artwork and uses vitality to enhance damage as opposed to the Warrior's strength. The Barbarian cannot use magic of any kind.
nestart; - Uses the alternate nest art instead of the default.
cryptart; - Uses the alternate crypt art instead of the default.

If you want to enable everything, here is the line you would put:


2. You need to download TCP/COM, a serial port emulation tool that will allow the TCP/IP connection.

3. The game of the host must have port "1000" open by default. This port can be changed within TCP/Com.

4. The host and clients must all run TCP/Com and must set the settings as accordingly:


Text transcribed:

Connector: COM1
Baud Rate: 14400
Parity: None
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Buffer Size: 8192
Create Virtual COM Port [Enabled]

Obviously the people connecting to the game must check "This PC will act as TCP client" instead of host.

5. The final step is for everyone to run the game. The host goes to "Serial Cable Connection", makes a game, then everyone else clicks on it. They will get recieving game data and be able to play.

6. Play!

Messages In This Thread
Done for my fellow Hellfire players : Fully functional TCP/IP Multipla - by DarkLegacy - 03-25-2007, 04:21 AM

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