Terenas - Preferred Raid roles for Kara and beyond
As Frostburn

DPS, Decursing, Kiting where possible, sheeping where possible, placing detect magic, calling out mob weaknesses where it is possible for me to detect them, Ice block pulling when necessary, bandaging when oom.

I prefer not to counterspell pull as I don't have improved counterspell.

As Dawnstrider
I would prefer the main FFA healer role or heal assisst role. I plan to keep him as a 17 feral / 44 resto build so he may be able to dps when he is not needed to heal and, when I get better gear for him, be able to OT a bit. If I get him the moonglade set I may be able to switch between healing and dpsing roles mid fight, but I'll have to wait till I get the gear and experiment with it.

Raidleader roles
When playing as Frostburn I would be happy to mark targets, be ranged MA, Explain and organize the strat over TS prior to an encounter, lead the encounter over TS. The last two I haven't tried in a raid setting before, but have done in 5 mans during pugs on many occasion. I also have quite a bit of experience marking targets outside of guild functions (where we typically assume that tanks are the only ones who can do it). I have quite a bit of experience moving marks around mid fight to reassign kill and sheep targets when things get messy.

When playing as Dawnstrider I would prefer not to have any complicated raid leadership roles as I am finding that due to my inexperience playing dawnstrider as a healer it tends to take all my attention and I lose sight of the larger fight as I focus in on the life bars.

Roles I don't want to fill: looting, picking people for the raid group, organizing the groups.
Frostburn / Dawnstrider

Messages In This Thread
Terenas - Preferred Raid roles for Kara and beyond - by dawnstrider - 03-23-2007, 06:16 PM

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