Terenas - Preferred Raid roles for Kara and beyond
My shaman is very well set up for the swing DPS+backup heal mode. I can do other healing roles or pure DPS if needed, but I figure that will be my usual role (along with totems, of course).

My druid, whenever she gets up high enough, will be feral, and will be best set up to OT or DPS, MT in a pinch, and slap on a heal set and heal in a pinch. I'm a better tank than I am a healer.

I have two hybrids and can play whatever role is needed, that I have gear for.

I figure to be on Terenas Thurs-Saturday most of the time, and Wednesday is possible. Regardless, if I sign up, I'll come.

As far as raid leadership roles, I'm too blunt to be raidleader, but I can help with other roles in that list. GG knows what I'm good at, and what I'm not. Target/kill orders were always my specialty in meat:P


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Terenas - Preferred Raid roles for Kara and beyond - by Mavfin - 03-21-2007, 06:03 PM

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